Adolescent Counseling Services
Teens often feel unheard and misunderstood. With the constant pressure from social media, culture, school and friends, the life of teens today can be just plain difficult. Sometimes your teen needs to sit down with someone who will see them as they are and help them decipher all of these conflicting messages. At Winter Garden Wellness we will:
- Listen with an open mind and no agenda so your teen will feel comfortable discussing sensitive topics.
- Accept them as is. This is crucial when working with teens whose top priority at this stage of development is discovering who they are and wanting to fit in.
- Offer guidance towards becoming a healthy adult. We will partner with you to get a complete picture of your teens family life and your hopes for their future.
How to find the best Teen Counselor
Making the decision to find the right counselor for your teen is important. You often must weigh the benefits of a younger counselor who could relate better, perhaps with less experience or a more experienced counselor who may be their parents’ age or older. The most important thing you should do is find someone whom both you and your teen feel comfortable with. This may take some time and effort at the beginning, but will make a difference in the outcome. The relationship that your teen has with their counselor is far more impactful than any other factor.
Helping your teen function best
As parents, many times we have problems communicating with our teens. We often think, why don’t they listen, haven’t I explained this a million times? Here’s a secret, they feel the same way. By having a safe space to vent, be heard and ask questions, your teen will learn to function best at home, in school and throughout their life. We will provide them with the tools to communicate with those they are around in a positive and productive manner.
Frequently Asked Questions
We’ll Answer
Today teens are bombarded with conflicting messages everywhere they go. Social media, friends, school, and society often tell them that things are good even when they know or feel otherwise. Teens experience stress, anxiety, depression, confusion, loneliness, and a host of other feelings. These feelings can often lead to behavioral problems, substance abuse, poor school performance, and loss of interest in friends or family.
Many problems in life stem from a breakdown in communication. Every child develops at a different rate and many tweens and teens have not learned how to identify and effectively communicate how they are feeling. Throw in hormones, pressures, and feelings of uncertainty, and you end up with a moody teen who may not appear to be listening. As a parent your child knows you love them but may not see you as objective. Talking with a counselor gives your teen an opportunity to discuss their issues with someone who is outside of the situation.