It is one of the beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. – Ralph Waldo Emerson Volunteer work of some kind is one of my most often prescribed remedies for a wide range of symptoms. The reason: more and more research is showing an inverse relationship […]
What Have You Done for Them Lately?
If You Have a Choice, Choose Happiness
or those of you who don’t know, I have a rare genetic condition that is slowly destroying both of my retinas. At the end of my road is blindness. I am not saying this to complain, garner sympathy, or to prove that my problem is any more significant than anyone else’s. It is simply fact. […]
How to Start Counseling
How can I be sure you are the right counselor for me and my situation?Taking the step of talking with a counselor can be a tough decision. I am happy to answer any questions you have before scheduling an appointment to start counseling. I can be reached by phone, text message, or email. I specialize […]